Captains Log 203

Message from the Commodore 

Catering Business Opportunity at BFYC

An opportunity exists for an enthusiastic person to run their own catering and function business at Blackpool and Fleetwood Yacht Club. The Club has 400 members and is set in a modern building with fully furnished bar, kitchen and dining facilities and panoramic views across the Wyre estuary. Your business would provide catering for club members and run outside functions for up to 150 people in the clubhouse providing potential for considerable income. Your business would also be remunerated for running the Club bar under the existing license.

This business comes requiring no initial outlay, rent, rates or utility bills.

Club members want to have good food and a bar service at reasonable prices during members opening hours but pricing for outside functions would be at the discretion of the business. The relationship between the business and the club needs to be symbiotic and financially sustainable.

Candidates must have knowledge and experience in the preparation and handling of food and the personality and enthusiasm to build a profitable business.

Please respond in the first instance to commodore@bfyc.org.uk


Securing Boats

We have been reminded by a well-known Insurer, that a condition of insurance is that boats are tied down to ground anchors. If boats are not properly secured their insurance will not cover either damage to the owner’s boat or to other third parties.

Relying on the boat being on its road trailer is not enough.

We had an incident last winter when a boat on its combi-trailer was blown off, and caused serious damage to a neighbouring dinghy.


Ground works

We are undertaking some significant improvements to the grounds in the coming weeks.

The offshore storage area is being extended to provide cover for the Tractor and Hydraulic Hoist.

The area between the existing offshore storage area and the Flying Fifteen park is being levelled to provide additional weekend parking, whilst providing an area for the boat hoists to operate.

The current Flag Pole will be relocated, and its existing area levelled to provide additional general car parking.

There is likely to be some disruption whilst these works take place.

Please bear with us during this period.


Best regards

Andy Airnes


Upcoming Social Events

The B&FYC RNLI Lifeboat Dinner 2023 

Saturday, 30th September

7pm for 7.30pm


Join us for a delicious five-course menu, created and cooked by the Club's very own Peter Jackson and Tony Roe.

It promises to be a really special evening, with great food and company,

so come along and show your support, whilst raising vital funds for Fleetwood Lifeboat Station.

Bookings now being taken!



Vegetable Soup

Prawn Cocktail

Vegetarian option by pre-order: Tomato & Mozzarella Salad

Beef Bourguignon with seasoned vegetables

Vegetarian option by pre-order: Stuffed Peppers


Cheese & Biscuits


£22.50 pp


*Please advise of any dietary requirements or allergies at time of booking*



You can book and pay via Webcollect, or book via

Susan Keirby, Sarah Harris or

Ken Hollands, then pay at the bar.

Susan 07912 862101   Sarah 07812 585283   Ken 07850 372077




The B&FYC Christmas Lunch 2023

Sunday, 10th December


This year's Christmas Lunch will take place on Sunday, 10th December and is once

again being catered by the excellent Twelve Restaurant.


More details will follow in the next few weeks but, in the meantime,

make sure you get the date in your diary!

My First Outing in Liverbird

Saturday 3rd of June 2023 arrived, and finally, after 3 years of ownership of Liverbird (an Achilles 24), and, having completed RYA level 1 sailing course, joining in the social sailing , experiencing a wild catamaran sail with Rik, and learning about outboards , sails, anchors, keels, radios, buoys, tides, wind, sandbanks, weather, etc. - a seemingly endless list of things, I, and my friend Mark, took my boat out.

I had stitched together a Google map of the Wyre , depth gauge and had listened to all the advice and cycled many times along the Wyre, taking note of the sandbank positions in an attempt to avoid them. 

With no wind available, we motored onto the 8.9m incoming tide , “too soon!” I heard a cry, “too late!” I replied, and we were out of the creek, heading over to Wardleys. We nervously shouted at each other, both assuming we knew which was the deepest track.

Round the corner we headed for ICI, "those are the buoys keep them starboard" , "ok" ," head for the tip ", "roger that" , tense and anxious we continued. 

We could see Knott End, “wohooo we’ve done it!” "Okay, where’s the marina buoys?", " I think it’s that one", " ok". We radioed the lock head, permission granted. Just after we had "high fived", we came to an abrupt and shuddering halt!

After 8 hours of staring at the buoys I should have navigated through, darkness came, and after a change of crew (long story) we finally floated again (luckily it was a 9.1m). Permission to enter, granted again, we set off forward, I didn’t realise I needed five hands. 

From the radio “Liverbird go back there is trawler exiting!”, reverse reverse, no forward forward to the waiting pontoon , just as the Fleetwood trawler steamed past! Phew, we were in, and I could see where I was supposed to be moored in the morning .

Thank you to all the club members for their help and advice to make this first trip possible. 

Next adventure will be to Piel island and Barrow for the tall ships regatta. 

Gary Hanmer 

June 2023

Notes from the Offshore Captain

Fleetwood Harbour Yacht Club

Fleetwood Harbour Yacht Club have invited any BFYC offshore boats to join them at their Regatta on 22/23 July, and anyone interested in taking part should contact me or Craig Lamb (07776 252510 or craighlamb@btinternet.com)

Morecambe Bay Light Race

We have agreed to organise a joint race with Fleetwood Harbour Y C starting at Fleetwood, round Morecambe Bay Light and finishing at Piel Island on August Bank Holiday Saturday, 26th August. Details of the start time and course are still to be agreed, and anyone interested please contact me by e-mail – crhaworth@hotmail.com


Congratulations to Robin Marsden who sailed into Stromness, Orkney on his 88th birthday. It shows how lucky we are to take part in a sport that allows us to continue to take part at any age. Let’s hope Robin has many more years of sailing.


Work has now commenced on building the extension to the workshop with the concrete floor and foundations now in place. The steel for the frame has been purchased and will be erected in the very near future, followed by the roof and side walls. Much of the work has been and will be done by volunteers, who will be named and thanked later.

Chris Haworth

Cruising Corner


Well – a decent enough summer so far for some or us at least.

Sadly Glasson Dock appears defunct at the moment with the outer gate lying mud-stricken so that must have stuffed the summer plans of a few.

Plans to reach Orkney have been realised by Robin and Gina Marsden – ably assisted by the Ships Boy.

I understand he jumped ship to party on Mandy Baldam’s rather fine OVNI but being a loyal crewmember he got back onto Temptation in time for the next leg of the voyage.

I’ve been getting updates of their trip from Gina and by all accounts it been a great one. Feels like a cruising log contender for prizegiving

Chris and Jo Haworth also ventured out beyond Ardnamurchan but not having the luxurious facilities of the Moody Eclipse, not to mention weather protection, their trip was shortened by the prospect of a very snotty bit of weather.

The family are currently over from Denmark and we had a lovely week around Oban. Armed with the Antares charts we spent time exploring places where the bottom is close to the top – miraculously without that heart-stopping clang as you get a little too cocky.

Did you know that if you switch on the Oban Webcam on your ‘device’ https://www.oban.org.uk/northpierpontoonswebcam/ and go onto a pontoon in the Transit Marina – you can see yourself!! – Perhaps I do need to get out more….

Whilst we were in, a Block of Flats parked up just outside Oban Bay and disgorged its 27,000 occupants ashore in lifeboats so they could get onto one of the 127 charabancs that were lined up to take them to Tourist Honeypots.

They had a Piper welcoming them ashore and my Grandchildren were really impressed for a second or two when I told them as we walked out of the Marina, that I’d laid it on for them. The lad wouldn’t speak to me for the rest of the day once he found out that Grandad was telling porkies.

Well – that’s enough from me - Log book entries are welcome for the next edition – make a nice change from having to read my drivel, don’t you think?

Anyone having to make decisions about their Calor bottles? We have 2x 4.5Kg blue bottles and after some speculation, it seems Calor have discontinued supply. Flogas is an option with £55 to stump up for a regulator. Lovely – think we’ll go onto cold food!

Just Cruising Mutterings

I always find it interesting to learn what fellow cruisers use when navigating.

My old mate Stuart Carter is strictly a sextant man and I’m sure he shuns modern tech. There is plenty of choice and we do have options from the basic GPS units through to AIS/GPS driven chart plotters – the choice is changing all the time and for sure, it doesn’t seem to benefit from price reductions – that’s sailing for you!

                    On my recent trip to Islay, I was pondering how things have changed over the past 25 years since I was there last. I see from my log of the time that we were using our Decca set. When that worked it was truly remarkable – Lat and Long position clearly given and just the parallel rule to swivel across the chart to put a neat little cross where we were. Actually the reality was quite different – the blasted chart always got a ruckle in it and so the ruler would stick so you had to start again and then the boat usually pitched off the top of a wave and the tiny, neat cross became the size of a crucifix. Added to that of course, was that strange anomaly when the Decca set decided to display ‘Position Suspect’. This never happened on nice clear days!

Anyway, things have moved on a tad and now we have our Digital Yacht transponder talking to the Timezero on the laptop to give us this. – You must admit that was a pretty nifty bit of steering as we threaded our way through the rocks and shallow bits

As if that wasn’t enough – I now have as a backup, my Samsung tablet (great for headaches) and on that are loaded the absolutely wonderful Antares Charts – a piece of brilliance from Bob Bradfield – check out the website  http://www.antarescharts.co.uk/


We now have this >>>>>>>>>>>>>

Even electronic charts need updating of course because if you do venture amongst the Ardmore Islands off the bottom end of Islay – you won’t be able to find this buoy -

It ain’t there no more - innit?

John Swannie

chart of Ardmore Islands


Level 1 and Level 2 Dinghy Courses.

We still have places available for August/September.

You can find more details and book here : https://www.bfyc.org.uk/rya_dinghy_courses

In addition to L1/L2 courses, we can also run a number of advanced courses subject to demand. Examples of these include :

  • Sailing with Spinnakers
  • Start Racing
  • Seamanship Skills
  • Day Sailing

You can find general information on the content of these courses here on the RYA website https://www.rya.org.uk/training/small-boat-sailing/dinghy.

If you are interested in any of these or have any questions then please contact me.

Adam Chaplin

Training Co-ordinator

email adamchaplin@hotmail.com

Access to Dinghy Storage Container

A set of keys to the Storage Container and Dinghy Compound have been been placed in a key safe in the club foyer.

This allows access to the above areas, when key holders are not at the club.

Contact Adam Chaplin, Peter Jackson or Andy Airnes for the code to the key safe.

Please replace the keys after use, and record any damage or breakages, in the log book in the container.

Note: The foyer has 24hr CCTV coverage.


There are still a number of membership cards behind the bar to be collected which have a self adhesive back so you can attach it to your gate key card giving you a single dual purpose card.


Gate access card not working? any problems, if you leave your card in an envelope with my name on it behind the bar I can pick it up and see what the problem might be. Don't forget to leave your name as well so that I know who it belongs to. 


Ian Hockey

Membership Secretary


Lost & Found?

There is a collection of wet suits and clothes etc. in the cloakroom.

If they are not claimed by 30 July, they will be thrown out or given to charity.


Club Room Improvement

Your committee has approved an upgrade to the heating and remedial work to the North Wall in the Club Room.

This may make the place untidy whilst the work is being carried out.

Please bear with us and thank you in anticipation of your understanding.

August Calendar

Day Date Event Start H/W Height Officer of the Day Rescue Boat Roster
Saturday 5th Recreational Sailing/Coaching days Bass week starts 13:30 14:40 9.5m TBA
Sunday 6th Autumn Series 1&2 - Champ 5&6 FF - Club 9&10 14:20 15:20 9.2m Tony Roe Peter & Harvey McCrystal
Thursday 10th Evening 10 18:40 19:30 7.2m Ian & Val Hockey Paul Reid & Crew
Saturday 12th 09:30 7.3m
Sunday 13th 10:20 7.6m
Monday 14th Main Committee Meetings 20:00 11:10 8.0m
Saturday 19th Recreational Sailing/Coaching 12:50 14:00 8.8m Co-ordinator Rob Mountain
Sunday 20th Autumn Series 3 & 4 FF - Wyre Light 4 13:30 14:30 8.8m Andrew Cuddon Rob Mountain & Crew
Saturday 26th 19:50 7.4m
Sunday 27th 08:30 7.5m
Monday 28th Bank holiday 09:40 8.0m
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