Frostbite Series, Bank Holidays / Easter Series, Spring Series, Evening Series, Summer Series
Autumn Series, Winter Series, River Series, Wyre Light Series, Club Series and regatta’s
1. Rules
1.1 The above series will be governed by rules as defined in “The Racing Rules of Sailing 2025-2028”.
2. Sailing Instructions
2.1 The Sailing Instructions can be viewed on the club website, https://www.bfyc.org.uk/dinghies/
3. Communication
3.1 The official Notice Board is located in the club entrance
4. Eligibility & Entry
4.1 The series are open to all Dinghies, Multihulls and Flying Fifteens with a Published RYA Portsmouth Yardstick (PY) rating.
4.2 The Frostbite Series shall be for Fast, Slow Handicap and Flying Fifteen fleets. All other series / regatta’s shall be defined in the B&FYC Sailing Instructions.
4.3 Where a class for the dinghy or multihull has a limited PN rating or is not listed on the RYA PY handicap list, a request for entry and the allocation of a handicap will need to be made to the Dinghy Committee. This must be done prior to competing in any BFYC Event or Series. The Dinghy Committee will endeavour to respond to all requests within seven days.
4.4 The Dinghy Committee may review and adjust any Handicap Number it deems fair. Any adjusted Handicap Number shall be published no later than seven days prior to the race the handicap is to be applied. Any adjustments shall apply to all subsequent races; adjusted handicaps shall not be retrospectively applied to finished races.
4.5 Adjusted PN’s and the allocation of trial numbers shall not be grounds for redress by a boat. This changes RRS 62.
4.6 Any class splits shall be made available with the Sailing Instructions.
5. Fees
5.1 Race fees are required to be paid prior racing to the Membership Secretary or Dinghy Captain.
6. Crew Limitations
6.1 Class Rules apply
7.0 Equipment Inspection
7.1. Each boat may be required to produce or verify the existence of a valid Measurement Certificate.
7.2 The dinghy committee reserves the right to undertake scrutiny for compliance to Class Rules and the Measurement Certificate e.g. correctors, anchors, safety equipment, electronics etc.
7.3 Boats shall be made available for inspection 1 hour before or after a race.
8.0 Rule 42 Propulsion
8.1 A boat will use only wind and water as prescribed in ISAF Rule 42. Any class rules on unlimited propulsion shall not apply to the above series.
9. Schedule
9.1 The dinghy race programme can be found at https://www.bfyc.org.uk/dinghies/
10. Venue
10.1 The Venue shall be the River Wyre Estuary – for River & Wyre Light series all remaining series shall be Skippool Basin defined as from Wardleys Creek to Shard Bridge.
11. Insurance
11.1 All participants must ensure their craft is insured for third party liability to a minimum of £3,000,000.
12. Risk Statement
12.1 Competitors participate in the series/regatta entirely at their own risk. See rule 4 RRS. The organising authority will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during or after the regatta.
13. Results
13.1 All results are provisional until ratified at the end of each individual series.
14. Prizes
14.1 Prizes will be awarded at the Annual B&FYC Prize Giving Social Event.
If you require any further information, please click to email the Dinghy Captain
Blackpool & Fleetwood Yacht Club
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