Dinghy Sailing Instructions 2025




All races shall be sailed under the current The Racing Rule of Sailing (RRS) 2025 - 2028 as far as they are not inconsistent with these instructions. When changes to the Racing Rules of Sailing take place, they shall apply to the first race and thereafter of the B&FYC series following the adoption date.


The race organisers shall not be liable for any loss, damage, death or personal injury howsoever, caused to the owner/competitor, his skipper or crew, as a result of their taking part in the race or races. Moreover every owner/competitor warrants the suitability of his boat for the race or races.

Sailing Instructions

Except in Club Opens, no sailing directions will be given to entrants but the directions listed herein will apply.

Personal Buoyancy, Anchor and Paddles

All dinghies racing under the Club's burgee are strongly advised to carry a suitable anchor, warp and paddle. The helmsperson and crew from the start to the finish of the race must wear personal buoyancy (flotation devices) and any boat failing to comply will be disqualified.

Class Rules

All dinghies racing must comply with their relevant Class Association Rules and hold a valid measurement certificate to be produced to the Dinghy or Fleet Captains on request. This rule can be waived at the discretion of the Dinghy Captain.


There will be three fleets,

Multi-Hulls for craft with a P.Y. lower than 926; Class flag ICF D

           Fast Handicap fleet for those Monohulls with a P.Y. lower than 1178; Class flag ICF ‘F

           Slow Handicap fleet for those Monohulls with a P.Y. greater than 1178, or sailors new to racing; Class flag ICF ‘6

Flying Fifteens Class flag (FF Insignia)

If two or less Multi-Hulls wish to race they may be included in the Handicap Fleet at the discretion of the Dinghy Captain or OOD


Entries will be accepted up to the sound of the first sound signal in all races (other than open races, when an entry form must be received by the relevant Sailing Secretary on or before the closing date or time noted thereon). In the interest of safety, ENTRIES SHALL BE IN WRITING on the appropriate form, as set out by the Race Officer of the Day.


Declaration must be signed after racing or on retirement, within 30 minutes of the last yacht finishing, to permit the orderly withdrawal of rescue services. Failure to do so shall render the yacht liable to disqualification.



All starts shall be accordance with RRS rule 26 will apply i.e. 5, 4, 1, go.

5-minutes Class flag displayed

4-minutes Preparatory signal displayed

1-minute Preparatory signal removed

0-minutes Class flag removed and subsequent start class flag displayed for the next start

Fleets may be combined at the discretion of the Race Officer and the sequence of starts may also change due to availability of competitors


The first race of each day 

The first start will be for the Multi-hulls that will start at the lowering of ICF "D" at the advertised time of the race, second start Handicap fleet that will start at the lowering of ICF "F". The Flying Fifteen fleet will start at the lowering of “Class insignia” five minutes later. The Slow fleet will start at the lowering of ICF "6".

The second and subsequent race of each day will be sailed back to back

The first start will be for the Flying Fifteen fleet will start at the lowering of “Class Insignia” The Handicap fleet will start at the lowering of ICF "F". Multi–Hulls will start at the lowering of ICF “D” final start The Slow fleet will start at the lowering of ICF "6" five minutes later.

The order of Starts when Multi-hulls, Offshore, Keel Boats and Dinghies are using the Club Line for starting

1st start    Multi - Hulls at the lowering of ICF “D” 

2nd start   Fast Handicap dinghies at the lowering of class flag "F"

3rd start   Flying Fifteen fleet at the lowering of “Class Insignia”

4th start   Offshore / Keel Boat Fleet at the lowering of ICF "B"

5th start   Slow fleet at the lowering of ICF "6"


In the interest of fair sailing, you are required to keep clear of the start line until your "Warning Signal" has been given.

Starting Lines

Club Buoy is the Orange Buoy opposite the Clubhouse. No. 1 is situated off the South Jetty.


Club House

The Club House starting line will be between the Signal Mast on the Starting Box and Club Buoy. The starting line at Fleetwood shall be as defined by the Race Officer on the day.

Water Start

The Start Line on the water shall be between an outer mark nominated by the Race Officer and a committee boat flying a flag.

Finish Lines


The Clubhouse finishing line will be between the Signal Mast on the Starting Box and Club Buoy.

Water Finish

The finish line on the water shall be between a mark of the course and a committee boat flying a blue flag.


Course Sailed and General Race Management

The course to be sailed will be indicated by the Race Officer at the Club House, or at the Temporary Starter's Box for races sailed at Fleetwood. When water-based start lines are used, the vicinity of the start line, windward mark and course will also be displayed on the Club Notice Board, and or Committee Boat

A race shall not be abandoned before the start, if three or more boats have entered that race. However, the Race Committee may abandon the race in accordance with RRS rule 32.

A yacht shall be disqualified for technical anchoring by means of the crew standing on the Club Slip within one minute of the start signal.

If no boat finishes the race then that race will be deemed abandoned.

Individual Recalls

One Additional Long Sound Signal and ICF "X" flown until all boats have started correctly or 4 minutes after the start.

General Recalls

Two Additional Long Signals and ICF "1st Substitute" flown. The new start shall be 5 after the last scheduled fleet has started and each other recalled fleet shall then follow in order.


Shortened Course and Signal

The Race Officer ashore will make two sound signals and display ICF "S" and the appropriate class flag as the leading yacht in that fleet approaches a mark of the course. All boats shall then round or pass that mark on the required side and proceed to cross the finish line from the direction of the last mark.

However, if the sound signals and the appropriate flags are made from the committee boat, flying a flag, adjacent to a mark then the race will finish at that mark.

The course may also be shortened on any lap as the leading yacht in that appropriate fleet approaches the club line. The Race Officer will make two sound signals and display ICF "S" and the appropriate fleet flag as the leading yacht approaches the Club line.

Racing Rule Penalty

The One-Turn and Two-Turn alternative penalty shall apply in accordance with RRS. rule 44.


Dinghies and Flying fifteens RRS rule 60.2 Intention to Protest, the protestor is a boat, she shall hail PROTEST only, there shall be no requirement to display a red flag

A competitor wishing to protest another for an infringement of a racing rule must notify the Sailing Committee or Race Officer, either verbally or in writing, within 30 minutes of the last competitor finishing, (Written protests, are preferably submitted on a Protest form available from the Race Box). If all parties agree, the protest will be dealt with using the RYA Arbitration process. Alternatively, the dispute may be referred to a formal Protest Hearing. In this instance a written protest will be required.

All protests resulting from Slow fleet racing will be dealt with using the RYA Advisory hearing process.



Where a series of races is sailed for a trophy or prize, points in each race of the series shall be awarded as follows: - First Boat 1 point, Second Boat 2 points, Third Boat 3 points and so on. Retirement (RTD) will count as points equal to the number of boats in the race plus 1. Disqualification (DSQ) will count number of boats in the Series plus 2. Did Not Start (DNS) but having signed on will count number of boats in series plus 1.


Any member may enter one boat for a series and count points towards that series when either he or his regular crew helms the boat. With the Dinghy Captain's approval, a member may helm another boat of the same class and count points to their score, providing their reason for changing boats is to promote sailing within the club.

In the event of a tie in any Club Series, the ultimate winner will be decided according to RRS Appendix A8.

Number of Races Held - Allowed Discards

1, 2                         0

3, 4, 5, & 6           1

7 & 8                    2

9 & 10                   3

11 or more             4

Average points will be awarded to a race officer/rescue crew who do their nominated or swapped duty. Average points will only be awarded for one day's duty in any one series.


Series to be Sailed

Frostbite Series & Winter Series

The above series shall be for: Multi-Hulls, Fast, Flying Fifteen and Slow Fleets.


Spring Series, Bank Holiday Series, Summer Series, Autumn Series & Evening Series

The above series shall be for: Multi-Hulls, Fast, and Slow Fleets.


River Race Series & Wyre Light Series

The above series shall be for: Flying Fifteen Fleet & Multi-Hulls


Championship Series

The above series shall be for: Fast Fleets combined with a time adjusted start and results for the Flying Fifteen Fleet, Multi-Hull Fleet and a separate series for the Slow / new to racing Fleet.

Amendments to Sailing Instructions

The Dinghy Committee may introduce changes throughout the year with regards to the number of fleets or handicap boundaries. Changes will be posted at least 2 weeks prior to the start of a new series by an amendment to sailing instructions.

Note to Race Officers and Safety Crews

It is the responsibility of the named persons in the dinghy programme carry out their allotted the Race Officer / Safety duties. If you are unable to undertake these duties on the appropriate date then you are required to find a replacement by swapping with someone else. Amend the dinghy programme on the ‘Dinghy notice Board’ within the nominated replacement and sign and date; also inform the series co-ordinator of the change.

A person whom does not fulfil their race officer / rescue duty, or conduct a swap notifying the series co-ordinator shall be awarded a non-discard able DSQ for those races

Race Officers

The Race Officer should ensure that there is sufficient water at each mark of the course. Wherever possible the first mark of the course should be to windward. Fleet starts may be combined but this should generally only occur, when the first mark of the course is to windward. Slow Fleet races should be a limited to a maximum of 40 minutes in duration.

It is the responsibility of the race officer to make sure the race box, fuel store and garages are locked and secure after racing.

Safety Crews

Safety Crews are under instruction of the Race Officer.

At least one person on the boat shall be dressed so that they can enter the water if necessary. Personal buoyancy is to be worn at all times whilst on safety duty and the kill cord must be worn around the knee of the driver whilst the engine is running.

It is the responsibility of the rescue crew to remain on the water until all boats are ashore or on pontoons and turn off the radios, isolate the battery and remove the fuel after flushing the engine and washing the RIBs

In adverse conditions, two rescue boats should be launched, even if only one is to be used. The other should be tied to a club jetty.

Notes for Series Co-ordinators

The primary role of a series co-ordinator is to ensure all necessary support is provided on race day, so racing proceeds smoothly.

The key requirement is to ensure that the Race Officer and Safety Crew carry out their allotted duty in line with the roster published in the Club Notice Board and Club calendar.

All sailors are required as a condition of racing, to carry out a minimum number of sessions in a year.

The Series Co-ordinator needs to:-

Have available a set of keys for the duty Race Officer.

Ring the Race Officer not later than one week before his duty day to confirm availability.

If necessary, remind him that it is his responsibility to arrange a swap.

Ring the Safety Crew not later than one week before his duty day to confirm availability.


If necessary, remind the named persons that it is his / her responsibility to arrange a swap,




Remind inexperienced Race Officers to bring watch and pencil.

Ensure the Race Officer either leaves the completed Race Sheets in the Dinghy Captain's pigeonhole (in the cloakroom) or hands them to a scorer.

Full instruction in how to conduct a race at BFYC are available in the Race Box or on the web. For any other arising, contact the Dinghy Captain.


Series co-ordinators are listed on the sailing programme / club notice board


Series Co-ordinators

Peter Jackson            Frostbite

Chris Lamb                 Championship

Mike Harris                Bank Holidays

Ian Hockey                 Spring

Adam Chaplin            Summer

Robert Mountain       Evening

Chris Clancy               Autumn

Malcolm Marsden     Winter



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