RYA Powerboat Courses

Powerboat Courses

The primary course that we offer is RYA Level 2 Powerboat (PB2). This assumes no previous experience of powerboats and will cover aspects such as launching/recovery, close quarters boat handling, planing speed manoeuvres  man overboard recovery and collision regulations. Holders may apply to the RYA to obtain an International Certificate of Competence (ICC) up to 10m . We also offer RYA Safety Boat training as required. 

Questions or Comments? Contact Training Secretary here

Boat Handling,


Description: The recognised minimum standard for powerboat skippers.

Duration: 2 days 

Entry requirements:  None

Course components: launch and recovery, close quarter boat handling, planing speed manoeuvres, man overboard recovery, and collision regulations.

Cost: £105 B&FYC members, £195 non-members.
Next courses:  Contact training sec for further information (email enquiries@bfyc.org.uk )

Booking page


Description: Aimed at more experienced powerboat sailors.

Duration: 2 days 

Entry requirements:  must hold RYA PB2 qualification.

Course components: boat handling, recovery and towing of various powered and non-powered watercraft. Safety cover for racing and race management assistance.

Cost: £105  B&FYC members, £195 non-members.
Next course: Please contact the Training Sec to arrange (email enquiries@ bfyc.org.uk)

Booking page
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