Boat Park Regulations



1. The facilities and equipment are for the use of members of the Blackpool & Fleetwood Yacht Club (BFYC) only, and any boat that is on land belonging to BFYC (Club land) and/or using the facilities and equipment belonging to BFYC (the facilities) must belong to a member of BFYC.

2. No boat shall be placed on Club land and no facilities shall be used without the permission of the Ship’s Husband or other authorised officer of BFYC (the Proper Officer), except in the case of emergency.

The Ship’s Husband shall have the right not to allow a boat that is unseaworthy or unsuitable to come on to Club land. A deposit of £3,000 shall be paid to the Club in respect of any unseaworthy boat, to cover the cost of disposing it in the event it is abandoned on Club land by the owner.

3. All persons using the facilities shall do so at their own risk, and the owner of any boat using the facilities shall be responsible for satisfying himself that the facilities are suitable to be used by his boat. BFYC accepts no responsibility or liabilities for any losses or injury to persons or property arising from the use of any facilities.

4. Any boat on Club land must have at least third-party insurance risks with cover of at least £3,000,000.

5. Before using the facilities, the owner of any boat shall, if requested to do so, give the following details relating to his boat to the Proper Officer: -

5.1 The name and class of the boat.

5.2 The length, draught, beam and weight of the boat.

5.3 The type of the keel of the boat.

5.4 Whether the boat has an engine, and if so, the type of the engine.

5.5 The intended dates on which the facilities are required, including the date of arrival and the proposed date of leaving.

6. Any request to use the facilities must be made to the Proper Officer at least 7 days before they are required, except in case of emergency.

7. If the owner of any boat that is on Club land sells his boat, and the boat remains on Club land, the owner shall give full details of the buyer of the boat to the Proper Officer. The owner shall remain responsible to BFYC for the boat, including the payment of any charges due to BFYC, until the buyer has made proper arrangements with BFYC for the boat to remain on Club land.

8. Any boat that does not belong to a member of BFYC shall be removed from Club land immediately, and this shall apply to any owner who does not renew his membership.


9. The slipway in front of the clubhouse to the north of the south jetty is for the sole use of dinghies, apart from lying alongside the jetties.

10. The slipway to the south of the south jetty is for the use of keelboats and powerboats.

11. This slipway may also be used by Flying Fifteen dinghies for launch and recovery.


12. The jetties may be used for short stays to carry out maintenance, in a position allotted by the Ship’s Husband. Any maintenance shall be carried in a proper and safe manner, and the owner of the boat shall be responsible for any damage caused to the jetty or other property or equipment belonging to the Club.

13. Any boat is not expected to remain on a jetty for more than two weeks, unless the owner obtains the consent of the Ship’s Husband.


14. BFYC may grant a licence to a member to erect a jetty on the foreshore. The jetty shall belong to the licensee, who shall be solely responsible for its construction and maintenance thereafter.

15. At the end of the licence, the licensee shall remove the jetty, if requested to do so, and leave the foreshore in good condition.

16. The licensee cannot assign the benefit of any licence.


17. Hoists shall only be operated by the Ship’s Husband or by someone authorised by him (the operator).

18. The owner of the boat using a hoist shall provide such crew and assistants that the Ship’s Husband shall require, which will be at least two persons for hauling out or launching a boat.

19. The Ship’s Husband shall have an absolute discretion to decide whether a boat is suitable to use a hoist, based on the information provided by the owner. A boat weighing 15 tons or over shall not use any of the hoists.

20. The owner and crew of the boat shall follow the instructions given to them by the operator, and if they fail to do so, the operator and BFYC shall not be responsible for any loss or injury whatsoever.

21. Before any boat shall use the hoists, the owner of the boat must produce to the Ships Husband a copy the boat’s insurance certificate to prove that the boat has the required third party insurance.


22. No boat shall be placed on the Club boat park without the permission of the Ship’s Husband.

23. The Ship’s Husband shall allocate the place where the boat may be kept and shall have the right to move the boat if required for the good management of the park.

24. The owner of the boat shall be responsible to ensure that the boat is properly supported and shored up. If a boat is not properly supported, any Proper Officer may support the boat or arrange for the boat to be supported at the cost of the owner. The Proper Officer may move the boat to a place where it will not endanger other boats on the park.

25. No work shall be carried out on a boat that causes any damage (including covering a boat with dust) to any of the Club’s equipment or to another boat on Club land. If any damage is done, the owner shall notify the Ship’s Husband and the owner of the boat that has been damaged immediately. No hot work, sand blasting or grinding shall be carried out without the consent of the Ship’s Husband, and shall only be carried out in the manner agreed with the Ship’s Husband.

26. The area around the boat must be kept tidy and clear of all rubbish and debris. If the owner fails to do so, the Ship’s Husband may have the area cleared and made clean and tidy at the expense of the owner.

27. No person may sleep on a boat for more than 2 consecutive nights in any period of 28 days, without the permission of the Ship’s Husband. No person may live on a boat.

28. The Ship’s Husband may request the owner of a boat to remove his boat from Club land if he has breached any of these rules or if boat is still on Club land after the time agreed for the boat to be removed from Club land. Any boat remaining on Club land after such a request shall deemed to be on Club land without permission.

29 Trailers and cradles

29.1 may be stored on Club land with the permission of the Ship’s Husband, if there is sufficient storage room within the Club land, otherwise they must be removed from Club land.

29.2 must be stored in a position approved by the Ship’s Husband, who shall have the right to move them to another position.

29.3 must display the name and telephone number of the owner

29.4 if fitted with any locking or anti-theft device, the owner must provide a key to the Ship’s Husband

29.5 that do not display the name and telephone number of the owner and in respect of which the proper charges for storage have not been paid may be deemed abandoned, and the Ship’s Husband may dispose of or destroy the trailer or cradle in such manner that he deems fit, including allowing it to be used for another boat.

30. Electricity and Water

30.1 are free of charge to members for carrying out general maintenance and repairs to boats, and

30.2 if any greater use is required, the consent for such use must be obtained from the Ship’s Husband and a charge will be made according to use.

30.3 All cables and pipes must be sufficient for purpose and must not be left unattended and must be removed when not in use. Any cables or pipes that are deemed unsuitable or unsafe or are left unattended will be disconnected, removed, and possibly destroyed.

31. No cover or shelter which extends outside the footprint of the boat shall be erected without the approval of the Ship’s Husband, and such consent shall be for a fixed period. The cover or shelter shall be erected or constructed in a safe and proper manner and shall not affect any adjoining boats. If the Ships Husband considers the cover or shelter to be unsightly or unsafe, he may request the owner to remove it within seven days.


All charges are inclusive of VAT, and for the purpose of these charges, the boat park shall be deemed to be any part of the Club land excluding the foreshore.

32. Hoist

For hauling out, launching a boat and any other lift - £55 per lift

33. Boat Park Rental


up to 25 feet                      £22 per month or part of a month

over 25 feet to 30 feet     £28 per month or part of a month

over 30 feet to 35 feet     £35 per month or part of a month

over 35 feet to 40 feet     £44 per month or part of a month

over 40 feet to 45 feet     £55 per month or part of a month

over 45 feet to 50 feet     £66 per month or part of a month

over 50 feet                        to be agreed with the Ships Husband

CRADLES:                           £5.00 per week for first 2 weeks

                                             £10.00 per week thereafter

33.2 For multi- hulled boats and boats that have been on the boat park for a continuous period of 2 years or more, there will be a surcharge of 50% on the normal boat park charges for rental.

33.3 For any boat on the boat park without permission, deemed to be without permission or no longer belonging to a member, the rental charge shall be the same as that charged for boat storage by Fleetwood Marina.

33.4 For removing rubbish and debris left by the owner of a boat, the charge will be £50 plus any costs incurred by the Club, including skip hire if necessary.

33.5 For supporting or shoring up a boat, the charge will be £50 plus any cost incurred by the Club, including obtaining professional assistance in carrying out the support or shoring up and the cost of any materials required.

34. Club jetties

Free of charge for the first two weeks, and thereafter at the same rate charged for boat park rent.

35. Club foreshore

As stated in any Licence granted to a boat owner and fixed by the main committee of the Club. For any boat placed on the foreshore without permission of the Proper Officer, or not belonging to a Club member the charge shall be £20 per week, payable by the boat owner or member responsible for allowing the boat to be placed on the foreshore.

36. Payment of charges

36.1 All charges are due within 7 days of request for payment, and the Club shall be entitled to request payment in advance.

36.2 Additional administration charges of £10 per request, if payment is not received within 28 days of the request being made, and £50 per request, if payment is not received within 56 days of the request being made.

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