Blackpool & Fleetwood Yacht Club’s Annual Flying Fifteen Open takes place over May Day Bank Holiday weekend on the 1st & 2nd of May. The event is part of the UK Flying Fifteen Association’s Northern Travellers Circuit however, with a twist. Blackpool & Fleetwood Yacht Club is the ONLY tidal venue on the circuit.
The club will be Open from 9am both days, and we can’t wait to welcome visiting competitors and spectators alike. The Notice of Race & Sailing Instructions are below on this page and please contact the Flying Fifteen Captain through the website if you have any questions. Enter event via WebCollect HERE
And now for something COMPLETELY different!
Tidal racing on the Wyre Estuary located near the picturesque historic market town of Poulton-Le-Fylde.
Racing will be held under the Racing Rules of Sailing 2021-2024 & Flying Fifteen class rules.
The entry fee will be £20.00.
Entries can be completed online through Webcollect on the B&FYC website, before the launching of boats.
On 1/5/22 a briefing will be held at approximately 9:45 in the Clubhouse. 2 races are intended but no more
than 3 on the Sunday with the first start not before 11:10.
On 2/5/22 a briefing will be held at approximately 10:30 in the Clubhouse. 2 races are intended but no more than 3 on the Monday with first race start not before 11:45.
Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See rule 4 RRS. The organising authority will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury, or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during or after the regatta.
The Open Meeting Entry, Instructions, and location of B&FYC can be viewed on the club website.
All participants should be listed on the entry form; their representative should pay the entry fee and sign the entry form to confirm that their craft is insured for third party liability to a minimum of £3,000,000.
Race times are subject to change and any variation will be posted on the noticeboard in the club foyer.
Prizes will be awarded 1st, 2nd & 3rd places along with 1st Youth Helm (U21), 1st Youth Crew (U21), 1st Lady Helm, 1st Lady Crew.
Food and refreshments are available all day, Bar too!
FREE caravan and motorhome space is available on site, with 24 hour access to club toilets, showers etc.
If you require any further information please contact Robert Mountain through
The race will be governed by the rules as defined in the World Sailing the Racing Rules of Sailing 2021 – 2024 & Flying Fifteen Class Rules.
Helms and Crews intending to race shall complete an entry form and pay the appropriate fee.
The race organisers shall not be liable for any loss, damage, death, or personal injury howsoever caused to the owner/competitor, his skipper or crew, as a result of their taking part in the race or races. Moreover, every owner/competitor warrants the suitability of his yacht for the race or races.
It is the responsibility of the owner/competitor to ensure that their boat is adequately insured with a minimum 3rd party insurance of £3,000,000.
Must be worn by Helmsman and Crew. Wet Suits and/or Dry suits although highly recommended, are not in themselves considered to be adequate personal buoyancy.
It is intended to hold 4 - 6 races as published in the Notice of Race. If 4 races or more are held a boat shall discard its worst result. If less than 4 races held a boat shall count all its results. One complete race is required to constitute a series.
Any change to the sailing instructions will be posted on the notice board in the club foyer no later than 1 hour before the start of scheduled racing on the day it will take effect.
Any sail number differing from the hull number must be declared in on registration.
May be required by the race officer, on demand.
Penalties for breaches of class rules shall be at the discretion of the protest committee and will range from no penalty to disqualification.
Requests for this shall be made to the race officer in advance.
The low point scoring system of Appendix A will apply.
13.1 Must be signed which will be situated outside the changing rooms within the time limit as for protests.
13.2 Competitors that retire from a race shall sign off as such.
The race area shall be as illustrated on the back of the sailing instructions.
The Course will be displayed on the committee boat on a course board, which will display the number of laps, and the order and direction marks are to be rounded. The direction of rounding will be indicated by colour, red for port, green for starboard. Letter G indicates a gate. The number on a white background indicates the number of laps.
16.1 Marks are spherical and black with their positions indicated as numbered on the attached plan, except Club Mark which is in front of the clubhouse and is not black.
16.2 Additional mark “A” (large orange inflatable) may be used and generally acts as the first windward mark.
16.3 The Gate “G” (start line) will always be a mark of the course.
16.4 If the additional mark “A” has changed position the signal shall be the displaying of ICF Flag ‘C’ on the committee boat with repetitive sound signals.
17.1 The starting Sequence will be as per ISAF Rule 26. The class flag will be ICF Flag ‘F’.
17.2 The starting line will be between a staff displaying a blue flag on the committee boat and an orange outer distance mark with a flag on it.
18.1 The finish line will be the start line or the line between the committee boat displaying the ICF “S” flag and the nearest mark of the course.
18.2 The race committee may back finish boats sailing behind the main body of the fleet awarding the position they are on the water.
18.3 Boats failing to finish within 15 minutes after the first boat sails the course and finishes will be given a position under SI 18.2 This alters rule 35.and A4.1 and A5.
19.1 With a £5 fee (will be returned, if not deemed frivolous) to be handed in to the Race Officer within 30 minutes of the last boat finishing the last race of the day.
19.2 Protest forms are available at the race office.
19.3 Protest hearing times will be posted at least 15 minutes before the time of the protest hearing to inform all parties and witnesses.
19.4 On the last day of racing, any request to re-open a hearing shall be made within 30 minutes of the party requesting the re-opening being informed of the protest committee decision. This changes rule 66.
19.5 The Advisory Hearing and RYA Arbitration procedures of the RYA Rules Disputes Procedure will be available. For these purposes an exoneration penalty of 20% shall apply although the final position of a penalised boat shall be no worse than if she had retired. At informal hearing rules 61.2, 63.5, 63.6 RRS shall not apply.
The two-turn alternative penalty shall apply in accordance with World Sailing Rule (44.2).
Please DO NOT enter the bar/lounge areas of the clubhouse in wet sailing wear THANK YOU.
Good Sailing!
Safety Notice: - If in the event many people require rescuing the Rescue Team shall focus on the Sailors first and return for your boat at a more convenient time.
Blackpool & Fleetwood Yacht Club
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